Monday, June 10, 2013

Cool performance features of EclipseLink 2.5

The main goal of the EclipseLink 2.5 release was the support of the JPA 2.1 specification, as EclipseLink 2.5 was the reference implementation for JPA 2.1. For a list of JPA 2.1 features look here, or here.

Most of the features that went into the release were to support JPA 2.1 features, so there was not a lot of development time for other features. However, I was still able to sneak in a few cool new performance features. The features are not well documented yet, so I thought I would outline them here.

Indexing Foreign Keys

The first feature is auto indexing of foreign keys. Most people incorrectly assume that databases index foreign keys by default. Well, they don't. Primary keys are auto indexed, but foreign keys are not. This means any query based on the foreign key will be doing full table scans. This is any OneToMany, ManyToMany or ElementCollection relationship, as well as many OneToOne relationships, and most queries on any relationship involving joins or object comparisons. This can be a major perform issue, and you should always index your foreign keys fields.

EclipseLink 2.5 makes indexing foreign key fields easy with a new persistence unit property:

This will have EclipseLink create an index for all mapped foreign keys if EclipseLink is used to generate the persistence unit's DDL. Note that DDL generation is now standard in JPA 2.1, so to enable DDL generation in EclipseLink 2.5 you can now use:
EclipseLink 2.5 and JPA 2.1 also support several new DDL generation features, including allowing user scripts to be executed. See, DDL generation for more information.

Query Cache Invalidation

EclipseLink has always supported a query cache. Unlike the object cache, the query cache is not enabled by default, but must be enabled through the query hint "eclipselink.query-results-cache". The main issue with the query cache, is that the results of queries can change when objects are modified, so the query cache could become out of date. Previously the query cache did support time-to-live and daily invalidation through the query hint "eclipselink.query-results-cache.expiry", but would not be kept in synch with changes as they were made.

In EclipseLink 2.5 automatic invalidation of the query cache was added. So if you had a query "Select e from Employee e" and had enabled query caching, every execution of this query would hit the cache and avoid accessing the database. Then if you inserted a new Employee, in EclipseLink 2.5 the query cache for all queries for Employee will automatically get invalidated. The next query will access the database, and get the correct result, and update the cache so all subsequent queries will once again obtain cache hits. Since the query cache is now kept in synch, the new persistence unit property "eclipselink.cache.query-results"="true" was added to enable the query cache on all named queries. If, for some reason, you want to allow stale data in your query cache, you can disable invalidation using the QueryResultsCachePolicy.setInvalidateOnChange() API.

Query cache invalidation is also integrated with cache coordination, so even if you modify an Employee on another server in your cluster, the query cache will still be invalidated. The query cache invalidation is also integrated with EclipseLink's support for Oracle Database Change Notification. If you have other applications accessing your database, you can keep the EclipseLink cache in synch with an Oracle database using the persistence unit property "eclipselink.cache.database-event-listener"="DCN". This support was added in EclipseLink 2.4, but in EclipseLink 2.5 it will also invalidate the query cache.


EclipseLink 2.5 added an API to make it easier to provide tuning configuration for a persistence unit. The SessionTuner API allows a set of tuning properties to be configured in one place, and provides deployment time access to the EclipseLink Session and persistence unit properties. This makes it easy to have a development, debug, and production configuration of your persistence unit, or provide different configurations for different hardware. The SessionTuner is set through the persistence unit property "eclipselink.tuning".

Concurrent Processing

The most interesting performance feature provided in EclipseLink 2.5 is still in a somewhat experimental stage. The feature allows for a session to make use of concurrent processing.

There is no public API to configure it as of yet, but if you are interested in experimenting it is easy to set through a SessionCustomizer or SessionTuner.

public class MyCustomizer implements SessionCustomizer {
  public void customize(Session session) {

Currently this enables two main features, one is the concurrent processing of result sets. The other is the concurrent loading of load groups.

In any JPA object query there are three parts. The first is the execution of the query, the second is the fetching of the data, and the third is the building of the objects. Normally the query is executed, all of the data is fetched, then the objects are built from the data. With concurrency enabled two threads will be used instead, one to fetch the data, and one to build the objects. This allows two things to be done at the same time, allowing less overall time (but the same amount of CPU). This can provide a benefit if you have a multi-CPU machine, or even if you don't, it allows the client to be doing processing at the same time as the database machine.

The second feature allows all of the relationships for all of the resulting objects to be queried and built concurrently (only when using a shared cache). So, if you queried 32 Employees and also wanted each Employee's address, the address queries could all be executed and built concurrently, resulting in significant less response time. This requires the usage of a LoadGroup to be set on the query. LoadGroup defines a new API setIsConcurrent() to allow concurrency to be enabled (this defaults to true when a session is set to be concurrent).

A LoadGroup can be configured on a query using the query hint "eclipselink.load-group", "eclipselink.load-group.attribute", or through the JPA 2.1 EntityGraph query hint "javax.persistence.loadgraph".

Note that for concurrency to improve your application's performance you need to have spare CPU time. So, to benefit the most you need multiple-CPUs. Also, concurrency will not help you scale an application server that is already under load from multiple client requests. Concurrency does not use less CPU time, it just allows for the CPUs to be used more efficiently to improve response times.


  1. Is it possible to index on multi-columns : foreign key + basic column or foreign key + foreign key. Because in eclipselink documentation i don't see any solution to do this, there is only @Index(name="EMP_NAME_INDEX", columnNames={"F_NAME","L_NAME"})=>basic column + basic column

  2. Where is this new query cache behavior in 2.5 documented? How does it treat deleted or modified entities? Thanks.

  3. Thanks for the article. Is there anyway concurrent processing could be used (perhaps not in this context) for a type of predictive modeling technique? I know most predictive modeling is written for custom applications, but I wonder if you could use JPA to make one.


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